SOLD OUTBushnell Broadhead Rangefinder

Bushnell Broadhead Rangefinder

Regular price$565.00$565.00Sale price

Bushnell created The Broadhead Laser Rangerfinder to solve the shortcomings of current rangefinders on the market. The result is the Broadhead’s Full Spectrum Ranging System that uses top-tier hardware and software to range targets with varying reflectivity and lighting environments consistently and accurately where other rangefinders fall short. That means a ranged black boar target, white reflective target, or any other target will get the same distance with the Broadhead at 8 AM as 8 PM. If a target is changed from paper to black foam, the Broadhead will give you the same distance when others won’t, and it’ll do it to plus or minus 0.3 yards out to 150 yards.

Bushnell’s exclusive ActivSync reticle automatically changes from black to illuminated red when the lighting conditions change so you don’t have to make a choice between the two reticles – You can have them both.

Type: Optics | Rangefinders
Brand: Bushnell
Availability: Sold Out!

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